Friday, August 14, 2009

Locally Targeted Ads via Google AdWords

Local business ads are a great way to achieve an extremely targeted regional campaign. You can create a business listing so users can find your business when searching for local businesses on Google Maps. These listings are free to display. AdWords also offers paid local business ads for advertisers to display their ad in the Sponsored Links section.

You can create a local business ads on Google Maps as long as you have a business listing created. You can add your business listing by going to Google Maps Local Business Center. Your listing will be verified by either receiving a phone call or having a postcard mailed to your business address. Once your listing is verified, it will start appearing in the Google Maps search results, and you can create a local business ads in your AdWords account.


  • Description line 1: 35 characters max
  • Description line 2: 35 characters max
  • Display URL: 35 characters max
  • Destination URL: 1024 characters max

You can choose or upload a map icon as well as a business image. The business image can be up to 125x125 in .gif, .png or .jpg formats.

Additional requirements

Local business ads must be associated with a business location within the campaign's targeted region. For example, if you are targeting New York City, you can't create a business ad for Los Angeles. Also, only keyword-targeted campaigns can include local business ads.

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Google's efforts to Improve Anti-Porn in China

Google Inc. said Friday that he is working to block pornography to reach users with mainland China after guards found the search engine turned up large number of links to sites that obscene and vulgar.
Google said in a statement that the company met with officials of the government representatives "to discuss the problem with the service and serving porno pictures and content-based foreign language searches.
"We continue to work to deal with pornographic content - and the material that is harmful to children on the Web in China," said the statement.
The statement followed allegations from the China Internet Illegal Information Reporting Center that Google has failed "to filter pornographic content from the search engine results in China according to laws and regulations that are relevant."

Exams watchdog said that the search engine provided links to a number of lewd and vulgar images, video and articles, but he does not give specific examples.
China, the world's largest population of Internet users in more than 298 million, which is the world's most comprehensive monitoring system and sensor web and has issued a number of regulations in response to the rise of blogging and other trends.
While the government says the main target pornography, online gambling, and other sites deemed harmful to society, critics say that often acts as a cover to detect and block sensitive political content.
State media reported Friday that the government has stopped some 's search function. Details not given, and he does not really clear what has been closed.
In a statement, Google said that the company has been working to fix problems with the handling of the search. "This technique has become a business, and we believe we have addressed the problem of the majority," it said.
Google, headquartered in Mountain View, California, has been striving to develop in China, where he says about 30 percent of the search market. China's homegrown search engine Baidu remains the most popular, with about 60 percent of the market. company launched with its partner China market erode after viewing the government as a filter for access to Chinese users slowed to its U.S. service.
While the site on topics such as the banned Falun Gong sect or the independence of Tibet, which is always blocked in China, readers can get access to some information, such as through Google's cache function. return search results on sensitive political topics only to sites that do not pertain to the government. Human rights activists have criticized the new service, which does not include the search results on human rights, the Dalai Lama and other topics banned by the communist government.
Allegations against the came as controversy simmers in China more than the government so that the burden of internet filtering software on every new computer sold in the mainland from July 1.
Green said the government Dam Youth escort software that aims to block violence and pornography, but users who have tried to visit he also prohibits sites that discuss homosexuality, and even block images from pigs because of confusing them with the naked human body, according to media reports from Hong kong .
The software has also aroused the safety concerns, with computer scientists at the University of Michigan last week that the report contains "serious security vulnerabilities because of programming errors," and recommends users protect themselves by uninstalling Dam Environmental soon.
After a major outcry by residents who used the relative freedom of life online, petitions and legal challenges, the government does not seem to have backed a little, he said users will not be required to use or install.
When will Indonesia follow ......????
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Friday, July 31, 2009

3 Business Valuation Methods

How much your business is worth depends on many factors, from the current state of the economy through your business's balance sheet.

Let me say up front that I do not believe that business owners should do their own business valuation. This is too much like asking a mother how talented her child is. Neither the business owner nor the mother has the necessary distance to step back and answer the question objectively.

So to ensure that you set and get the best price when you're selling a business, I recommend getting a business valuation done by a professional, such as a Chartered Business Valuator (CBV). In Canada, you can find Business Valuators through the yellow pages or through the website of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.

A Business Valuator (or anyone valuating your business) will use a variety of business valuation methods to determine a fair price for your business, such as:

1) Asset-based approaches

Basically these business valuation methods total up all the investments in the business. Asset-based business valuations can be done on a going concern or on a liquidation basis.

  • A going concern asset-based approach lists the business net balance sheet value of its assets and subtracts the value of its liabilities.
  • A liquidation asset-based approach determines the net cash that would be received if all assets were sold and liabilities paid off.

2) Earning value approaches

These business valuation methods are predicated on the idea that a business's true value lies in its ability to produce wealth in the future. The most common earning value approach is Capitalizing Past Earning.

With this approach, a valuator determines an expected level of cash flow for the company using a company's record of past earnings, normalizes them for unusual revenue or expenses, and multiplies the expected normalized cash flows by a capitalization factor. The capitalization factor is a reflection of what rate of return a reasonable purchaser would expect on the investment, as well as a measure of the risk that the expected earnings will not be achieved.

Discounted Future Earnings is another earning value approach to business valuation where instead of an average of past earnings, an average of the trend of predicted future earnings is used and divided by the capitalization factor.

What might such capitalization rates be? In a Management Issues paper discussing "How Much Is Your Business Worth?", Grant Thornton LLP suggests:

"Well established businesses with a history of strong earnings and good market share might often trade with a capitalization rate of, say 12% to 20%. Unproven businesses in a fluctuating and volatile market tend to trade at much higher capitalization rates, say 25% to 50%."

3) Market value approaches

Market value approaches to business valuation attempt to establish the value of your business by comparing your business to similar businesses that have recently sold. Obviously, this method is only going to work well if there are a sufficient number of similar businesses to compare.

Although the Earning Value Approach is the most popular business valuation method, for most businesses, some combination of business valuation methods will be the fairest way to set a selling price.

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Business Valuation.


Business Valuation is the process of determining how much a business is worth.

It's not as simple a question as it first appears. The basic problem of business valuation is how to set a value on all the assets of a business, including the intangibles. How much, for example, is goodwill, a business logo, a trademark, or a client list worth?

There are several different business valuation methods that can be used to tackle the problem and attempt to determine a fair price for the business to be sold.

No one method is the solution for any business; if you use (or your professional valuator) uses a variety of business valuation methods, you'll have a more accurate idea of just what your business is worth and a range of prices that you can use as parameters for your negotiations.

If you are selling your business, in my opinion, you should not try to do your own business valuation. Because so many factors need to be taken into account, business valuation is best left to professionals such as Chartered Business Valuators.

Common Misspellings: Busness valuation, bizness valuation, business valation.
Examples: After getting a business valuation done, Monica decided that she would try to increase the value of the business before she sold it.
More Business Terms Glossary

AssetsBalance SheetSee All Business Terms

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Business Planning


Business Planning encompasses all the goals, strategies and actions that you envision taking to ensure your business's survival and growth.

Huge, isn't it? For convenience, think of business planning as being broken into two large topics; profit-making business planning and contingency business planning.

Profit-making business planning is all the general business planning that must be done to start and run a successful business. The best known example of this type of business planning is the business plan. The business plan isn't a do-it-and-forget-it business planning exercise but a living document that needs to be updated throughout the lifecycle of your business.

Once the business has officially started, profit-making business planning will center on setting and meeting goals and targets. While some businesses make business planning an annual event, business planning is most effective when it's done frequently and consistently. The business planning process of reviewing progress on business goals and targets and setting new ones should take place at least monthly.

Daily business planning is an incredibly effective way for individuals to focus on achieving both their own goals and the goals of the organization.

Contingency business planning (also known as business continuity planning) is the type of business planning that focuses on dealing with crises. A business contingency plan is a proposed implementation plan to deal with some new emergency, event or new information.

Also Known As: Business Plans, Business Continuity Planning.
Common Misspellings: Bisness Planning, business planing.
Examples: To increase her business's customer base, Laura focused her business planning efforts on developing a marketing plan.
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What is a blog? do you busines blogger

According to, a blog (short for Weblog) is "a Web page that serves as a publicly-accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author".

The definition of blog is constantly evolving, though, as blogs move into the mainstream, shedding their image as the bastion of the self-obsessed who just have to self-express. Thousands of new blogs are being created every day, for all sorts of purposes. Rather than existing to catalog someone's personal life, many blogs serve as discussion communities about particular issues.

Nor does a blog have to have one author. Some of the most interesting blogs that I've read have multiple regular contributors. And some large corporations are using blogs internally as communications channels.

In light of how blogs are being used, I offer my own updated definition; a blog is a regularly updated online journal of information and opinions. What sets blogs apart from other online writing, IMHO, is their dynamic nature (as opposed to static Web pages) and their voice (style).

And these very qualities are what makes blogs such an incredibly useful tool for businesses.

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Business Expenses.

According to the Canada Revenue Agency, business expenses are "certain costs that are reasonable for a particular type of business, and that are incurred for the purposes of earning income. Business expenses can be deducted for tax purposes. Personal, living, or other expenses not related to the business cannot be deducted for tax purposes."

Therefore, as a business person, you need to be sure to distinguish between your business expenses and personal expenses throughout the year. Keeping a separate business bank account and following good accounting practices will help you do this.

It's also important to note that whatever business expenses you plan to use as income tax deductions will have to be documented with receipts.

Also Known As: Tax write-offs; business tax deductions.
Common Misspellings: Buisness expenses.
Examples: Accounting fees, vehicle-related expenses, and attending a conference are only a few of the business expenses that a small business owner may be able to claim as income tax deductions.
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My business made no money this year. Can I still claim business expenses?

Maybe. If you are filing your income tax as a sole proprietor or partner, using the T1 form, when you are filling out Form T2125 (Statement of Business or Professional Activities), you will be listing various business expenses. If your business expenses exceed your business income, you will record a business loss on this form.

Will you get to "use" this business loss and claim the business expenses? That depends on whether or not you have other income. If you do, you may wish to take the income from your business (the non-capital business loss) and use it to offset your other income, in effect, claiming the business expenses.

However, note that non-capital losses can be used to offset other personal income in any given tax year, and can be carried back three years, or carried forward for up to seven years. So you may not want to "claim your business expenses" and use your business loss this particular tax year. It may make more sense for you to carry your non-capital loss back to recover income tax you've already paid, or to carry it forward to offset a potentially larger tax bill in the future.

Although I've used an example of a person filing taxes as a sole proprietor here (using the T1 tax form), the rules for non-capital losses also apply to Canadian corporations.

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Behaviorists and Behaviorisms

Behaviorism, notoriously, came in various sorts and has been, also notoriously, subject to variant sortings: "the variety of positions that constitute behaviorism" might even be said to share no common-distinctive property, but only "a loose family resemblance" (Zuriff 1985: 1) . Views commonly styled "behavioristic" share various of the following marks:

allegiance to the "fundamental premise ... that psychology is a natural science" and, as such, is "to be empirically based and ... objective" (Zuriff 1985: 1);

  • denial of the utility of introspection as a source of scientific data;
  • theoretic-explanatory dismissal of inward experiences or states of consciousness introspection supposedly reveals;
  • specifically antidualistic opposition to the "Cartesian theater" picture of the mind as essentially a realm of such inward experiences;
  • more broadly antiessentialist opposition to physicalist or cogntivist portrayals of thought as necessarily neurophysiological or computational;
  • theoretic-explanatory minimization of inner physiological or computational processes intervening between environmental stimulus and behavioral response;
  • mistrust of the would-be scientific character of the concepts of "folk psychology" generally, and of the would-be causal character of its central "belief-desire" pattern of explanation in particular;
  • positive characterization of the mental in terms of intelligent "adaptive" behavioral dispositions or stimulus-response patterns.
  • Among these features, not even Zuriff's "fundamental premise" is shared by all (and only) behaviorists. Notably, Gilbert Ryle, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and followers in the "ordinary language" tradition of analytic philosophy, while, for the most part, regarding behavioral scientific hopes as vain, hold views that are, in other respects, strongly behavioristic. Not surprisingly, these thinkers often downplay the "behaviorist" label themselves to distinguish themselves from their scientific behaviorist cousins. Nevertheless, in philosophical discussions, they are commonly counted "behaviorists": both emphasize the external behavioral aspects, deemphasize inward experiential and inner procedural aspects, and offer broadly behavioral-dispositional construals of thought.
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    The INNOV8 BPM simulation game brings IT and business together for process model innovation

    Both IT and business professionals understand that processes are critical to success. They just look at them from different perspectives. INNOV8, the IBM Business Process Management (BPM) simulation game, gives both IT and business players a better understanding of how effective BPM impacts an entire business ecosystem. INNOV8 also demonstrates how a more instrumented, interconnected and intelligent world supports process improvements and working smarter to help build a smarter planet

    .nside Innov8 Online, you will encounter three different game scenarios:

    Smarter Traffic -- Evaluate existing traffic patterns and re-route traffic based on incoming metrics

    Smarter Customer Service -- Using a call center environment, players develop more efficient ways to respond to customers.

    Smarter Supply Chains -- Evaluate a traditional supply chain model, balance supply and demand and reduce environmental impact.

    Players quickly see how practical process improvements can help meet profitability, customer satisfaction and environmental goals while addressing real problems faced by municipalities and businesses today. And when they're done playing, they can compare scores with other players on global scoreboards.



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    Business simulation ‘tournaments’ encourage learning by doing, not by reading

    I should preface this entry by saying that I read ALOT both in hard copy and online, so I'm not necessarily suggesting that you DON'T read new books and blogs and essays that get you thinking about how to manage differently. But experiential learning, especially online, is definitely a trend you should consider.

    Some of the world's biggest and most successful companies — including Nokia, Accenture, Sony, Phillips, Rolls-Royce, Novartis, Ernst & Young, KPMG, IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Cisco — are encouraging up-and-coming management candidates to participate in such an experience, the BTS Global Business Tournament, to build the skills they need for their next step up the corporate ladder.

    What makes the BTS tournament a bit different from other business simulations is the fact that it is run completely online, which means companies do not have to cough up the money for travel while still helping individuals from different branches or locations learn to collaborate with each other. Also, there actually is an end-game: The top three teams each year can win a round trip to Cannes, France.

    Rommin Adl, executive vice president of global sales and marketing for BTS and head of its Philadelphia office, says experiential learning has been shown to result in a higher retention rate than other educational methods. But the repeat participants from its bluechip client list, including three-time winner Nokia, also are responding increasingly to the sustainability factor of this learning method: All of the team interactions over the 10-week simulation projects are virtual, which means educational activities won't negatively impact a company's carbon footprint. They can also take place off-hours, which means employees can work during the course of the simulation process.

    The simulations work pretty much like you would expect. Participants are introduced to a business that has a certain financial statement and industry profile and certain challenges associated with it. The simulation spans four years in the fictious company's life, and the teams (usually four or five individuals) are required to make management decisions during each phase of the simulation. The decisions require financial, process, human resource and marketing insights. Based on the impact of their decisions, the teams will see after each heat how they stand in comparison to other teams, which keeps things competitive.

    Incidentally, BTS hasn't formally added a sustainability component to the simulations it uses but Adl and I discussed this idea. After all, this increasingly will be a factor in future management decisions so it technically should be part of future simulations.

    One other note: Adl observes that the simulations are popular with participants in their 20s and early 30s, individuals who are used to the idea of online gaming and who are more comfortable with the experiential learning process. Not really surprising, but a consideration when you're thinking about who to pick as a participant.

    There are nine tournament heats every year, and about 900 teams participate in a given year. Many of the participants join through referrals. There is a fee to participate, but Adl would not disclose it. The next heat begins on Sept. 9, 2009.

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    Saudi businessman who married a daughter of the King of Jinns million dowry

    Okan true for the son of Adam has gone to be hoped that Diane does not fill appointed the son of Adam but dust ..
    What is missing business Saudi Almlain has even sought to marry the daughter of the King of the jinn is nothing but to become one of the owners of billions ..

    This story is amazing by the general councils Mataathdt Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, as Saudi Arabia, newspapers published a story yesterday, a Saudi businessman from Jeddah prey quorum was possible to marry him, "LE" of the daughters of the kings of the jinn in exchange for a dowry of one million Saudi Riyal, as well as the cost of bringing the authorized legal who hold the Koran! The businessman has claimed the lives dream placebo Mmnia marriage to those same "pound" to a later account of the billions in the lest, having heard the fraudster that he would change his life significantly changed the process, alleging that the bride, "the pound" will be during the first week of the honeymoon more than one billion riyals rise 10 billion to the end of the first year of marriage and, of course, was a young businessman in his acceptance pound his wife asked him to provide a dowry to the fraudster, including payments in advance followed by 700 thousand 400 thousand expenses and fees of the fraudster, who told the victim to bring the contracts authorized Ankhp jinn also requires the amount of money and fell resourceful businessman
    Even observed with his brothers who used the security changes in the behavior and conduct follow-up minutes after the arrest of the fraudster, who revealed resourcefulness of the rhythm of the young business man!
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    Lessons from the 'Small Business Web'


    Business development wasn't working for BatchBlue Software, an eight-employee Providence startup that makes online customer relationship management tools for small business. CEO Pamela O'Hara spent a year trying to partner with another company to let her customers easily e-mail the lists of contacts they organized with her software. One e-mail marketing company bounced BatchBlue's calls around, and another was enthusiastic but never followed through.

    So after failed attempts to strike a deal, O'Hara's team wrote its own code to sync its software with MailChimp, an Atlanta-based e-mail marketing company. Using MailChimp's application programming interface, or API—a set of tools that lets outside developers write programs that interact with another piece of software—BatchBlue gave its clients the e-mail function it couldn't achieve through conventional dealmaking. "That's when we realized this is a viable way of doing business," O'Hara says.

    BatchBlue and MailChimp are among a tiny but growing network of small online software vendors that have committed to letting anyone who wants to build on their tools to do so. The effort, dubbed the Small Business Web and launched at the SXSW conference in Austin, Tex., in March, aims to use open platforms to help small software-as-a-service companies compete against much larger players in the industry. The group is now 20 companies strong. By enabling clients to purchase an array of software from different vendors that works smoothly together, the venture hopes to provide more value to customers than any one of these companies could alone.

    Potential Competitors Collaborate Instead

    Not every firm in the Small Business Web is integrated with every other company. Some even compete in the same market. But they have all committed to publishing APIs and making their products integrate easily, without locking customers into any one platform. "The difference between the Small Business Web and just publishing an API is you see multidirectional connections," says Sunir Shah, "chief handshaker" (or head of integrations) at Toronto-based invoicing firm FreshBooks. The ecosystem of interlocking software the group is trying to build will help online software companies compete with desktop software suites like Microsoft (MSFT) Office that have long been integrated but don't offer the flexibility of software-as-a-service.

    The Small Business Web represents a fundamentally different way of doing business, where potential competitors open themselves to collaboration. "Networks allow us to produce and consume in different ways," says Umair Haque, director of the business strategy think tank Havas Media Lab and a Harvard Business Review blogger. He says the Small Business Web is an example of "asymmetrical competition," where small players can compete effectively against dominant companies in concentrated industries. "What we will increasingly see is networks of smaller players deciding to get asymmetrical against the bigger guys," he says. There are few cases of similar networks in other industries, though Haque does cite online advertising networks as an example of a similar strategy.

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    More Ways To Maximize Your Business Income Tax Deductions

    The first installment of this series, "Maximize Your Business Income Tax Deductions", discusses keeping track of your business expenses throughout the year, tax deductions related to the cost of doing business, and home business tax deductions. This article covers automobile income tax deductions, travel-related income tax deductions, tax deductions related to employing your spouse or child and advertising and other income tax deductions.

    Once you've read through both of these tax articles, you'll have a complete list of small business tax deductions that you can check before handing your receipts and documents over to your accountant or use to complete your own income tax form - focusing, of course, on maximizing your business income tax deductions. First, let's take a look at income tax deductions related to vehicles.

    If you use a vehicle in the course of your business, have you deducted all of your business expenses related to your automobile(s)?

    The cost of fuel, motor oil, and lubricants used in your business are allowable tax deductions. (This includes gasoline!) You can also claim the license and registration fees, insurance, and the cost of vehicle maintenance and repair as income tax deductions. If you've borrowed the money to buy a vehicle, you can claim the interest on your loan as a business expense. If you've leased a vehicle, you can claim the leasing cost.

    But while there are many business income tax deductions related to vehicles, the catch is to be sure you distinguish between business and personal use when claiming automobile tax deductions. If you have a vehicle that you use for both business and pleasure, you can only claim the portion of automobile expenses related to business use as a business tax deduction. The Motor Vehicle Expenses section of the CRA's Business and Professional Income Guide gives a good example of how to calculate the deductible portion of your vehicle expenses.

    This section of the Business and Professional Income guide also explains the three classes of vehicles for income tax purposes. The CRA distinguishes between motor vehicles, automobiles, and passenger vehicles, and the class of vehicle you have can affect your allowable tax deductions.

    For instance, if you borrowed the money to buy a passenger vehicle which you use to earn income, the amount of interest you can deduct is limited, as is the amount of leasing costs you can deduct. The Guide also gives an example of how to calculate the amount of deductible interest on money you've borrowed to buy a passenger vehicle you've used for business purposes.

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    Win your home from the Internet

    Earn from the Internet, the net profit, earn thousands of dollars, earn dollars, earn million dollars, earn money, earn from the net, profit from the Internet. Do I dreamed of thousands and millions and shortcomings, and the car? Believe me, do not dream so without effort or fatigue.

    Will not invite you to a quick profit and the dreams of a happy and imaginary profits and you sleep, just invite you to work, to participate in the real work to achieve a fruitful and meaningful to you and more stable income for life .... Yes, for life. But do not yield without fatigue. Whether you have a personal site on the Internet or you are the owners of the famous sites, or you are one of the owners of relations and social activity.
    Help us in the development of Arab trade and to stimulate the economic activity of Arab companies and institutions linked to the Arab consumer directly,
    Decent work and a serious and 100% free. More importantly, it joined the Halal marketing program and earn up to 50 per 30% of sales. The program is free and is designed for Msoukin and sales representatives.
    Yes, get 50% of all contributions made on your way, and the proportion of 30% of the contributions to be transferred to the site. How so?
    The involvement of marketers: 100% free, use your marketing tools. Placed in your site and your messages in the electronic or Anscherh in the rest of the sites. Contains the link number and refers you to draw visiting our site, we track down visiting for a month and if the record will be included in the list of Aedak When involved in one of our outstanding 30% will pay you the full amount, yes .. Win 1500 dollars in one month: About 100 of us a common hang together and get paid $ 1500. Will receive the same amount in the event of the renewal of joint involvement.
    The participation of delegates: 100% free, but!! First, the amount of your subscription of $ 90, you'll get an immediate $ 100 in your account ... Why? The idea of the sales representative to sell subscriptions, many of the Arab traders do not have the experience of the Internet, you find the participants and to persuade them to e-commerce seriously. You will open their accounts at the site and upgrade their subscriptions and pay you 50% of the amount for your business. Snzodk particular page of the registration of traders and the management of their ads .. Yes! Earn 13500 per annum. When you register 300 a year would amount to profits of $ 13500. Will receive the same amount in the event of the renewal of dealer participation. Types of traders membership: the membership of members: 50 dollars in 6 months, Ahmadinejad: U.S. $ 15. Membership Organizations: U.S. $ 90 a year, the matter of $ 45. Also do not forget the Nspetk of the Site Announcements, / advertise.asp When one is Aedak request additional ads, we will pay you 25% of the value of the declaration. Some ads up to $ 600 dollars a month and the matter of which 150 dollars. We will pay monthly if they are exceeded Msthakatk of 50 dollars. Use bank transfer services, and - Western Union - E-Gold is no limit to your earnings only to work and leave the dreams aside, you can work from home and you can work on the ground.
    Start now registration is free after registration you will find links to transfer your data to a control panel
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    The use of electronic commerce on the Internet

    E-commerce is an acronym for electronic commerce, which literally means the marketing of goods and services, regardless of whatever the distance or time. The use of electronic commerce on the Internet you can go and buy or sell anything at any time, all you need is a good Internet connection via the Internet and dealing with the account. Host sites need to be the right solution for the summit and make it great! So you have to consider any kind of site you will create what will be the main content on your pages. Your website could be for personal use or for commercial purposes. If your site is for commercial use, and then create a good market because it is very important. And to create a good market, electronic commerce is one of the best options to go with it. With the emergence of electronic commerce, and the trend in the business on the Internet and the speed with these web hosting companies to come with lots of options available to webmasters to choose from. Web hosting companies, design groups, which meet the requirements of the site. E-commerce allows business to grow because of some facilities such as: security: the bulk of the companies that provide e-commerce web hosting packages have a certificate of insurance Socket Layer, which means that the web host is secure enough to deal with. Reliability: The time necessary to ensure that it is also high. While the preparation of any of the groups can not be assured of 100%, 99.9% does not seem that many of the non-realistic. The bulk of the e-commerce transactions as well as time to ensure that supervisors wanted to search for a deal. And can therefore be relied upon to make a deal. Speed: Web Hosting companies to speed the fastest e-commerce packages, in particular that if the speed is not a good client may not want to use your website to download the content they wish. Accessibility: e-commerce to any transaction and provide this site for easier and better access to the user or say better controls for the interaction of the user. Most users would like access to research to be simple, and easier, faster and e-commerce and gives himself only. While the inspections are easier and faster than a shopping cart feature, and also added to make the site more user friendly. Thus, a good e-commerce customer service. Automation: good e-commerce will be used a powerful set of tools to make it automatically so that the critical machining operations as appropriate. E-commerce is supposed to be a good choice to host the sites on the Internet as fast in the world, every company wants to be in the competition, whether large or small company. To stay in the competition to be flexible and continue with the latest technology. You can with e-commerce is already in the market with the latest technology and the ability to choose from a wide range of indexes that are available on the Internet for various goods and services you may want to trade. On top of all that a good e-commerce transactions are available at affordable prices, making it very attractive to the best use of a solution to your web host.
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    Try sites that give money for the pressure on the ads

    There are many sites on the World Wide Web where you can earn money just to watch the ads developed by the other members of the site, which prompted the development of these ads there. Site and a timing device, all you have to do is click on the declaration, and due to the timing of their arrival to zero, and go to the following Web site. They pay for the student or click sites PTC 's short. Although it makes only one or less than a penny for each click of the mouse do not let that fool you, it is possible to provide fifty dollars per day or more, with the pay to click on the Internet. These sites and you will pay for each click made by the other members who spoke of the paid-click on the program. That's why we can have a page of all assignments, and get ads millimes one for each of the clicks, and this fact can not add up to a lot of money. Paid to certain locations, and then click View transactions, such as one cent per click and one cent per click in the assignment, while the other half of the offer, but those sites, who pay less than one cent per click is often lower prices for ads to advertisers, leading to more ads you can click more than other sites. Many of these sites are also "paid to the signing," and the presentations of the other members as well. This is where you sign up in the program, and get paid ten cents to that in most locations. In selecting a good site to pay, click, it is necessary to know the location and relevance of the Forum. If they have a user forum, go there and register first. Then consider on the forum, to speak to the supervisor there, and trying to get used to the extent of the site like that of the members. This can save you many headaches later. Many of these sites that sell you assignments in small groups or an area of five hundred. These usually cost about one dollar each, and a group of five hundred assignments could achieve 50 per month comfortably, as long as the ads on the site to all the press. You be careful, however, is finding the key to be paid to click sites owned by the good faith management. This can be searched for by visiting a forum like I said before, a search on the Internet sites of the name or the name. Search for information to do if you know how, and take a look at the name of the owners of the domain name itself, and so far has been the creation of link sites. This can be done based on the information to suit you. We have established a list of three sites that pay well, click on the programs based on real experience with their owners. All sites listed are sites that I have had no problems of any kind, or who are on this list. You can find the links below. Thank you for reading my article.
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    28 way to earn money for free Halal

    We note that the means to earn money with a site different from the ways to earn more money from it. Ways to increase your traffic or click through rate will help you to earn more money, but it does not represent a means of making money in itself. For example, one can point out that blending AdSense ads with the content and means of earning money from the Internet. In fact it is not, but simply a means to earn more money by improving your ad click-through ratio. Handling real cash behind it is the existence of purchasing power ad network. The list is divided and the means of directly and indirectly, and examples and links are provided for each point. Enjoy! Direct method 1. Purchasing capacity of the ad networks, Google AdSense is the most popular option in this category, but there are also others. Basically need to sign with the network and paste some code snippets on your site. Network and service ads (either text or image) relevant to your website, and will receive an amount of money for every click. Profit-per-click advertising depends on the levels of traffic on the public site and, more importantly, through the click rate of CTR and CPC). To reduce risk and depends on the design of the site. Ads placed in the fold of residence or blended with content, for example, tend to get higher CTRs. Communist Party of China, on the other hand, depends on the kind of site. Mortgages and financial products and university education are examples profitable outlets (clicks worth a few dollars are not rare), while the technology-related topics tend to the smaller Communist Party of China (sometimes low-a few cents per click). Source of traffic and can also affect the rate of CTR. Group membership (which comes from search engines) tends to perform well because these visitors were already looking for something, and they tend to click on ads more often. Social movement and media, on the other hand, presents terribly because of the low CTR these visitors are tech-savvy and just ignore the ads. People's list of ad networks of the Communist Party of China: Google Adsense Yahoo! Publisher Network YPN) BidVertiser Chitika Clicksor 2. CPM ad network CPM advertising networks behave to a large extent, where purchasing power of networks, only to have to pay according to the number of impressions (ie page views) that the ads displayed on your site will generate. CPM is cost per thousand, and refers to the cost of 1,000 impressions. A blog that generates 100,000 monthly page views and display a banner ad with a $ 1 CPM and, therefore, will earn 100 dollars a month. CPM rates vary with the position and form of advertising. The best network, the higher the CPM rate (because it is getting more advertisers. Soon be advertising on the top of the page, the higher the CPM. Form the largest (in terms of pixels), the higher the CPM. You can get a low of $ 0.10 and up to 10 dollars per 1,000 impressions (more in some special cases). CPM advertising tends to work together on websites with high page views per visitor ratio (such as forums on the Internet, magazines, etc.). the list popular CPM advertising networks: Casale Media explosion and the media value of Click Tribal Fusion right in the media 3. Banner ads direct selling your ad space is one of the most profitable methods of liquefying. First and foremost because it enables you to cut broker commissions and to determine your rates. the most popular banner formats on the Web is the Leaderboard 728 × 90, 120 × 600 skyscraper, 300 × 250 rectangle and the 125 × 125 button. the negative side of direct banner advertising is that you need for a large audience to get qualified advertisers and will need to spend some time in the management of the sale, banners and payments. Related Links: how to find advertisers for your site to find advertisers for your blog direct sales ads for beginners Openads ad server Oyo Publisher Ad Platform 4th text link ads after Google announced the sale of sites text links without the nofollow tag would be a punishment and this method of liquefying become less popular. Many of the owners of sites that are still using text links to criticism of their positions, despite the fact that some of the use of nofollow tag and some not. the advantage of this method it is not intrusive. one can to sell text links directly or through its Web site using the specialized networks, such as text ads and links between the texts links between the brokers for the automation process. text link markets and networks: DigitalPoint Link Sales Forum Text Link Ads Text Link between intermediaries between TNX LinkWorth 5. Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing is the practice's popularity on the Internet. Under this system you have a business in which you want to allow other persons (sections), directly or indirectly in the sale of their products and services, in exchange for a commission. sometimes this kind of announcement of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement also called for (the cost of per-action (or the Code of Criminal Procedure (cost per lead) list. affiliates that can be sent to potential customers of the merchant using several tools, from banners and text links to product reviews. in order to find appropriate programs, you can transform the individual companies and publishers like Dreamhost and SEOBook or accession to markets and networks of them. the list of popular markets and its affiliated networks: Commission Junction and ClickBank Azoogle Ads link Share the 6th pieces liquefaction another direction on the web are widgets that allow you to critique your site. An example of this is Widgetbucks and SmartLinks. Some of these services work in the presence of purchasing power scheme, others behave like text link ads, others still have influence. The main differences, however, is that they work as web widgets, making it easier for the user to plug the deficit and play service on its website. the list of companies that provide goods liquefaction: WidgetBucks ScratchBack SmartLinks 7. PayPerPost sponsored reviews pioneer in this model, with a lot of controversy on the beginning) to the fact that it does not require disclosure of paid posts). follow other companies in the near future, in especially under the auspices of the reviews ReviewMe, and to improve and expand the scope of the paid blogging model. to join one of these reviews sponsored by the market will give you the opportunity to write sponsored posts on a wide range of topics. not all bloggers are willing to pay to write about a particular product or website (because it might compromise the editorial credibility), but those who do not make money out of it. If you have a large audience blog you can also submit reviews directly sponsored, and spare committees of the mediator. and the list of sponsored reviews and paid blogging networks: PayPerPost sponsored reviews ReviewMe BlogVertise Smorty 8. Announcements RSS Feeds rapidly with the adoption of the Regional Security System Technology of millions of Internet users and website owners began to find ways to criticize this new content distribution channel. Feedburber already own publisher network, and you can sign up to start displaying ads based on CPM on your feed footer. Bidvertiser recently introduced a RSS feed ad option as well, with a purchasing power scheme. Finally, some blogs also have the option to sell the letters on the banners or sponsored by feeding directly. John Cho and marketing examples pilgrimage. Related Links: Feedburner BidVertiser Pheedo 9. sponsoring the draft resolution on the pillars or only of the events if you are the pillars of the site or specific events (such as a weekly podcast, an interview survey of a series of monthly special project) can be found on the companies to sponsor them individually. This way of increasing the options available for the liquefaction of the site, while giving advertisers the possibility to target more specific audiences and less commitment. Mashable illustrates the case well. have many advertising options on the site, including the possibility to take care of specific columns and articles, including the newspaper "Daily Referendum" and "Web 2.0 Invites." Problogger also runs group writing projects, in some cases, before to declare publicly that he had asked the sponsors of the project. 10.Premium some content sites and blogs to give up part of the content free of charge, and charge for access to exclusive content and tools. SEOMoz is a good example of this. have been very popular blog and provides advice and information on a wide range of senior economic officials from the relevant subjects. Moreover, the visitor can decide to become a premium. It cost 48 dollars per month, and gives them access to evidence, tools and other exclusive material. 11th special forums in the Internet with free forums, there are also possibility of creating one of the private sector, where the members of one or the payment of recurring charges to join. Blackhat SEO monthly fee of $ 100 of its members, and thousands of them. It is clear that this charge, the price of the membership of the Forum needed to provide real value to members (such as secret techniques , tools, etc.). Performancing also launched a private forum recently, focused on the networking side. It is called the Beehive, and the monthly cost of $ 10. These are just two examples. There are a lot of possibilities to create and profitable private sector forum has everything you need to find a to make it an attractive point of view due to the members. People's Forum, a list of programs: vBulletin forum simple machines vanilla phpBB 12th work of the councils of all the popular blogs and attempt to influence the councils work to make some extra income. Guy Kawasaki, ReadWriteWeb, Problogger ... you can call. Needless to say, that in order to create opportunities for active and lucrative work aboard the need first to have a blog focused on the specific position, and a decent amount of traffic. the advantage of this method it is negative. As soon as the completion of the structure of the lists in the workplace will come of course, can not charge anywhere from 10 dollars up to 100 dollars each. the list of popular software and the function of the Board: JobThread post by the Board on the World Wide Web functions SimplyHired o - Matic Jobbex 13. Sitepoint markets is the market of electronic commerce through the excellence. Some sites and blogs, however, seek to replicate this model on a smaller scale. depending on your position, a market that will allow visitors to buy, sell and trade products could work well. most of the time, which could begin charging a small fee to the lists of new products. The problem in this method is that there is no standard software on the Internet, so you'll need to hire a programmer to get them into the site. You can see an example of the use of markets and EasyWordpress on Mashable. 14. paid surveys and opinion polls, there are services that will pay you money for the operation of a small survey or poll on the website you. the most popular one is called Vizu Answers. basically you participate with them, and the selection of this kind of opinion polls that you want to run your site. Most of these services operate under a CPM model. 15. the sale or lease of the Interior million pages and the wiki concept popular but it was used on the Internet for a long time on the (Revised, for example). these sites for the sale of one of the rental fee or recurring fee internal pages on the field. usually have either a high or high Pagerak traffic, so that people buy this Page will be able to benefit in some way. the implementation of this method a small blog and it will be difficult, but this concept of interest and could be explored further. 16th to highlight the functions of the Sponsors may Techmeme pilot of this idea, but as it has not spread to sites the other. aggregator of technology news and editorial functions of the left column, and the sidebar with section titled "Techmeme Sponsor Posts." On this section of the blog posts for advertisers access to light, sending qualified traffic their way. Given that the monthly cost of one location is 5000 dollars, and that up to 6 sponsors at any time, should work well. 17. the development of the voluntary "donation" button or link on a Web site can be an effective way to earn money, especially if the blog was a place at the readers learn and gain value from your content. personal development and productivity blogs, for example, tend to perform well with existing systems on the gift (and one good example of Steve Pavlina). a small variation of this method showed some time ago with the Buy me Beer Program Assistant . The Assistant program lets you add custom message at the bottom of each article, and requested the readers to chip in beer or coffee. 18th reference in the text in the text to refer to networks like Kontera and vitality of the media and will be links within the text. This links with an emphasis to be distinguished from a doubling of the normal relationship, and once the user rolls the mouse over the link the pop ad. should the user clicks the site will make some money. Some people are good money with this method, but refrain from the use by others due to the intervention. It is interesting also to note that very few mainstream websites have experimented with in the text of the Declaration. 19. popups and unders player is a pop-up annoying after a year of advertising on the Internet. If you're just trying to be a lot of money possible from your website, you can experience with them. If you're trying to grow and generate a loyal group of visitors, but perhaps you should stay away from them. only to consider the hundreds of pop-up window to fill there: There is a reason for that is the People. ad networks that use pop-ups: Tribal Fusion PayPopup PopupAd Adversal 20. Ads audio also called the Pakistan People's Party (pay-per-play), and the announcement of this method through the introduction of Net Audio Ads. the idea is very simple: play a small audio advertising (usually 5 seconds) each time a visitor enters your site. The user should be able to stop this, and the creation of 100% based on the conversion rate of visitors. the company is still rolling tests, but some reports of users to obtain the amount 4 to $ 6 CPM. regardless of the rates of wages, although this is a very intrusive form of advertising, and to think twice before use. 21. in the sale of Web site to sell your website could be the last resource, but has the ability to generate a large amount of money in a short period of time. markets on the Internet forums such as DigitalPoint and Sitepoint always with the active site buyers and sellers. Bearing in mind that the most frequently used parameter to determine the value of the site on the Internet is achieved by the monthly income, multiplied by a certain number (the multiplier can be anything that is from 5 to 30, depending on the expectations of the seller, the quality of the site, and the status and other factors. Some people also earn money, trade and Permutation sites. because they either create from scratch or buy the list, after the renewal of selling for a profit. Related Links: How to buy the site and Philip is for profit how to sell the site - How your Worth ?, selling on the Internet? on how to sell? indirect method 22. Ebook is perhaps the sale of one of the oldest money making strategies on the Internet, using the Internet to promote a related ebook is a very effective means to generate income. The structure of the site you can about the book, such as ebook or release on the basis of the success of the site, such as we FreelanceSwitch book How to Rock Freelancer. Related Links: ebook writing your blog How to sell e-books, processing of payments for your ebook how to sell digital products on the Internet a list of ebook selling software 23 . sell Hardcover book in many of the activities of journalists, authors and blogs or sites for the sale of copies of books Hardcover. One example is Guy Kawasaki, Seth Godin and Malcolm Gladwell. while most of these people are actually known by the authors to create the Internet, the opposite may also be used . Lorelle VanFossen did exactly with her filing advice book. First, the established authority on the subject via her blog, and then published the book. and the list of self publishing and publishing services: Lulu Self Publishing iUniverse WordClay 24. The sale of templates or themes more and more people for determining the existence of the Internet, and the location of templates and themes contained become hotter and hotter. On this part of your positions in the heart, such as TemplateMonster, as well as individual designers who decide to promote and sell their work independently. Brian Gardner and Unique Blog Designs are two examples of sites that make money with the sale of premium and custom themes reported. 25. consultancy and related services according to your position, you can earn money by providing consulting and related services. If you also the author of your blog, and materials and will share information that will build your profile and perhaps this is true on your experience of specialized, making it easier to attract clients. Chris Garrett used a similar strategy. he was the first to create a significant impact on the blogs and blogs and new media specialist, and then began offering consulting services to clients with related problems and needs. 26. a list of e-mail newsletter or e-mail lists and newsletters represent one of the most powerful marketing and money making tools on the Internet. does not believe it provides the conversion rates, and the possibility to call people to work in a highly effective means. create a significant, although a difficult task, so if your popularity on the Internet can influence to increase the number of participants on your list. Yaro Starak is a famous Internet marketing, and if you visit a blog you will notice that right at the head of the Section is to encourage visitors to participate in the newsletter e-mail him. Yaro generates revenues of five figures in each month of the e-mail and newsletters, which demonstrate that this method works. the list of software for managing e-mail newsletters: AWeber SendStudio NX PHP automation in constant touch with the 27th orientation programs people are willing to pay for any person or thing that would teach them and give them knowledge (rather than just information). Education is one of the largest industries in the world, and across the Internet in the scene to act in a similar way. create a specialized program of guidance relevant to your site can be extremely profitable if you manage to structure and promote it as inadequate. There is a wide range of media and the means by which you can use to transfer information from the text of the articles and audio-visual lessons. Brian Clark leveraged the success of Copyblogger to launch a program of guidance to teach people how to build membership and how to sell content via the Internet. program entitled Teaching sale, and costs 97 dollars a month. seem expensive , but more than 1.000 members. 28th Conference on the establishment of the site if your site takes off and becomes the Authority's position, it can create the conference. according to the size of your audience, a situation that can attract thousands of people, and you can make money directly from the conference passes and sponsors. search engine land, for example, has established a series of conferences to visit several cities, the United States and other countries as well. The conference called for research exhibition marketing, tickets and passes the cost of thousands of dollars.
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    On the first page of Google

    People are often confused about the site. At one end of the scale there are those who believe there is no point in them, on the other side there are those who believe it is of great value. Is it right? First let's look at how to secure the site. When a person linked to a page on your website to look at the vote, which is excellent. It was one of the most important measures systems used to determine the importance of Google pages. One of the most important standards. While many of the pages and link to the Google page it gives an indication that it is important to your page. South-Eastern Europe as well as any person, or Search Engine Optimizer, which is a direct result of the employee or outside contractor with the responsibility to amend your online small business and programming code, site content, and promotional activities to achieve on a single page with the search engines. Like any profession, the level of performance on a large scale may vary from one to another. Brick and mortar small business owners in many cases, the launch of a new site on the Internet and the site is expected to assume the front line in the marketing of products or services. This could be a mistake. As for those who want to improve their image by showing the development with the World Wide Web offering content than would be appropriate for a business card or brochure. This page will ask visitors name and e-mail address, if available to them free of charge, such as e-book or report, fortunately, it will provide you with this information. This information is then sent to your automatic reply, in which visitors to the market repeatedly to return to your site again and again, without having to get them back to you through the search engine. By capturing the names and email addresses in this way can really achieve maximum freedom of movement you get from Google and you'll find that you have more frequent visitors, which in turn leads to greater sales volumes. Search engine algorithms, such as the arrangement of the Google site confidential. The best we can do is guess how and why the change by tracking each quarterly update. Most observers of a single page of Google, or for public relations and in short, trying to discover what, if any, then it is important to manipulate Google's strategy to improve ranking in search results. Which could be wrong. If the means of control in the strategy to adapt to what is believed by some, is important, and often resort to deceitful means, with gains in the short term. I have written several times that deceptive practices will backfire. Do you will be punished. If you follow the public relations, or follow the advice of top economic officials, teachers, and then I heard cliché "content is king." Google, such as People magazine and they want to put the most popular sites or blogs on the first page or in a single page. You will not get on the front cover of People magazine or on the first page Google just because you're a great guy or Gal, or a great site or product. Google, the photographers are the little spider robots that search the Internet in search of these associations, etc. in the background every time there is a link from Google to reward you for you, the impact of search engines. If you have done everything necessary, "famous by association" that the steps like Google, I was among the first classification of the page. It's just a question of logic.
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    More Ways To Maximize Your Business Income Tax Deductions

    The first installment of this series, "Maximize Your Business Income Tax Deductions", discusses keeping track of your business expenses throughout the year, tax deductions related to the cost of doing business, and home business tax deductions. This article covers automobile income tax deductions, travel-related income tax deductions, tax deductions related to employing your spouse or child and advertising and other income tax deductions.

    Once you've read through both of these tax articles, you'll have a complete list of small business tax deductions that you can check before handing your receipts and documents over to your accountant or use to complete your own income tax form - focusing, of course, on maximizing your business income tax deductions. First, let's take a look at income tax deductions related to vehicles.

    If you use a vehicle in the course of your business, have you deducted all of your business expenses related to your automobile(s)?

    The cost of fuel, motor oil, and lubricants used in your business are allowable tax deductions. (This includes gasoline!) You can also claim the license and registration fees, insurance, and the cost of vehicle maintenance and repair as income tax deductions. If you've borrowed the money to buy a vehicle, you can claim the interest on your loan as a business expense. If you've leased a vehicle, you can claim the leasing cost.

    But while there are many business income tax deductions related to vehicles, the catch is to be sure you distinguish between business and personal use when claiming automobile tax deductions. If you have a vehicle that you use for both business and pleasure, you can only claim the portion of automobile expenses related to business use as a business tax deduction. The Motor Vehicle Expenses section of the CRA's Business and Professional Income Guide gives a good example of how to calculate the deductible portion of your vehicle expenses.

    This section of the Business and Professional Income guide also explains the three classes of vehicles for income tax purposes. The CRA distinguishes between motor vehicles, automobiles, and passenger vehicles, and the class of vehicle you have can affect your allowable tax deductions.

    For instance, if you borrowed the money to buy a passenger vehicle which you use to earn income, the amount of interest you can deduct is limited, as is the amount of leasing costs you can deduct. The Guide also gives an example of how to calculate the amount of deductible interest on money you've borrowed to buy a passenger vehicle you've used for business purposes.

    If you've used more than one vehicle to earn income over the past year, it's important that you keep separate records for each vehicle, and calculate your expenses accordingly.

    Now what about those income tax deductions relating to travel? Continue on to page 2.

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    A successful site on the Internet

    In order to create the site properly, you must first identify the concept. What is the location? Who is the audience? How is the site supposed to reach to the public? It is important to define the concept before embarking on the creation of the site, because the way in which you create, and the methods used and the form will depend on the location of the concept. This will be the site information? Will the photo album? It will not be on the web? Will include the media at the site, such as voice and video? If the site information, it would be natural that the existing text. Site can be built in plain HTML, or text may be based on data in the network request. Images and other media as well allways recommended. More texts in this type of site makes it more search engine optimal. If the web site, such as a photo album or blog, it is important to separate the symbols from the design and content. Insist on the use of JavaScript and CSS files, separated and linked to the page of the site. If you are using ASP.NET 2.0 or better, and the use of homogeneous masterpages create page designs. If you are thinking in the application, such as the Internet or to qassia, I think, such as a computer program and the Internet. When the integration of the media on the web site, and to consider how to include files and media. HTML works in a simple integration of the various different computers, depending on the progress to the default desktop. Many of the sites, and radio stations on the Internet, to find the best applications for the operating of the browser to make searching on the Internet, and work the same on every computer. Many sites use Flash to design sites. Flash graphics and excellent animation. Flash is usually used at the sites, which represents artists such as musicians, painters, photographers, architects, designers and more. The problem is that Flash search engines can not read, and the promotion of the site more difficult
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    Search engine results

    To any person, and the importance of access to the order of search engines is clear. This could be the most important factor in determining whether your website or do not succeed. Based on the results of research by Jupiter Research and iProspect, most people expect to find the information they're looking for on the first page of search results. Internet companies that elderly modernization, renewal or re-design their positions in the South-Eastern Europe into account. Conclusion ... If no one can be found at the site, no one is visiting it. Have also found that most users will by no more than three pages of search engine results. In fact, one third of Internet users believe that the sites listed within the first pages of search results of major companies in each industry. If the content are not the first few pages in length, 41% of the researchers to change the search for a word or change the search engines. It is undeniable that users are increasingly more sophisticated in the way of purchase. They want to get the information directly, and want to find on the first page. Business owners should keep this in mind, because it can be life or death for their actions. Google, in particular, are the most important search engine should be focused on marketing. Google the largest search engine accounting for more than 60% of searches for each company in the United States. Sub-optimal for Google, a site can not be accessed to its full potential. To be truly effective, and business owners to focus on more than one search term. It is also important to ensure that a website can be found in the first page of search results on a wide range of related terms. There are a lot of work to be done if you want to get the highest traffic. The first thing you need to do is research effective keywords. Will help you to obtain the organic search results is very targeted and relevant. It is also possible to pay for the search results through the use of pay-per-click advertising (CPC). This is a good way to get on the first page of search engine results pages by optimizing a website. Despite the advantages of the CPC, it is important to note that the list of membership is the best way to generate traffic, because it will provide more traffic, in less than the cost in the long term, and will build the reputation of your brand.
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    Do you fear to penetrate your site?

    As is the case with most companies on the Internet, which is one of the most important factors for maintaining this site is security. It is better for you at the outset to identify the weaknesses in the system and not by the people and can be easily converted to a security vulnerability of great concern. Therefore, it is essential to the penetration test. The penetration test is a more general term exposure to audit and risk assessment or technical. The existence of different identities of these security procedures, mainly due to the rapid growth and development. There is a very large penetration test procedure prior to the deployment of an Internet site for the Internet community. There are many of the pirates on the World Wide Web, which take advantage of security flaws found within the sites. Such weaknesses are often related to the activities of unwanted, which is on the Internet today, such as piracy on the Internet, online fraud and identity theft. It is better to determine if you are using a server vulnerable to hacks and modifications of Foreign Affairs. The penetration test as you can see whether there are weaknesses that could be topics for malicious exploits and activities. With the continued weakness of the emergence of today, the task of maintaining the safety and requires perseverance. And even more effective for the security of facilities, such as firewalls and anti-malware applications can not protect you from harm, especially if they are not newly formed, and is not scheduled properly. Weekly security update you do not completely safe from hackers as some Internet security threats emerge every day. To ensure the security of your site will not be at risk at the launch to the outside world, it is essential to the penetration test. Actively evaluate the penetration test security measures for information on the Internet. Process to determine any issues of security and order to compile the information collected to document the report. Presentation of the security report, you can find solutions to extract information during this session. The importance of penetration testing, not only for security purposes, but also to determine the success of your project. A foolproof system to ensure maximum productivity and reducing potential maintenance costs. Business in terms of access to your website, you can prevent a financial loss through fraud. Very sensitive sites, hackers, extortionists and misconduct of staff, which may cause serious problems if not tended to immediately. Revenue losses that may result from non-reliable computing systems. The site of penetration testing services can be identified many of the issues that are very important in ensuring the maintenance of order. This classification is in accordance with the weaknesses of their nature and their effects on your system. It appears that some vulnerability directly in the establishment of the site. These are some cases where the exposure to the problem is still no solution. Through the penetration test, you can address these shortcomings caused an error and you are waiting for security vendors to release the appropriate solutions. Penetration test also allows you to avoid the occurrence of technical weaknesses in your site, such as a unified) manipulation, structured query language (SQL) injection, and session hijacking. The prevention of business risks can be also through the experience of security to avoid unauthorized entry, and transfer of funds within your site. Most consumers prefer to access sites on the Internet. For the effectiveness of your site, perform penetration testing is a must.
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    What is Twitter? plubliser busines torial

    Twitter ( is a platform for posting very short messages (also called "tweets") of 140 characters or less. There are many websites and applications you can use to post to and read . You only receive tweets from people you choose to follow.


    Post (also known as a status updates) to Twitter are commonly called tweets to differentiate them from Facebook status updates or blog posts.

    "Tweet" can be used as a noun: "The tweet you sent about taxes was interesting. Thanks!"

    "Tweet" can also be used as a verb: "Tweeting interesting links would find helpful is a sure way to gain more followers."

    Followers, Following, and Friends

    The beauty of Twitter is you can craft your own Twitter sphere by choosing to follow certain people. Navigate to that user's Twitter homepage (eg., mine is at, and click on the "Follow" button. You will now see that user's tweets when you're logged in to Twitter.


    To reply to or reference another Twitter user, put the @ symbol in front of their username.

    For example, my Twitter username is "gregorygo". If you wanted to send me a tweet (ie., post a tweet that I would see), put "@gregorygo" somewhere in your twee

    Twitter will automatically link the @username text to the user's Twitter home pag

    RT or "retweet"

    To retweet means to post someone else's tweet and crediting them with it. The convention for retweeting is to put "RT @username" in front of the tweet you are retweeting. It's polite to leave the original tweet as unedited as possible, though it's acceptable to edit the tweet for length or clarity.

    For example, if I posted this tweet:

    [blockquote]Best Twitter apps for small business owners.[/blockquote]

    ...and you found it interesting enough to share with your followers, you can retweet it like so:

    [blockquote]RT @gregorygo: Best Twitter apps for small business owners.[/blockquote]

    DM or "direct message"

    These are private tweets that can only be seen by the recipient. You can only send direct messages to people who are following you, so you can't use DMs for spamming.

    URL Shorteners

    Because you're limited to 140 characters per tweet, most people use URL shortening services to post links.

    Original link: 72 characters

    Shortened link: 19 characters

    The more popular URL shorteners are: and

    Most Twitter clients will have built-in URL shortening because it is such an integral part of twittering.

    (Note: because links are hidden, and depend on the 3rd-party's servers, it's important to choose a service that will be around for a long time. If the URL shortening service goes out of business in a few months, all those links you share using that service will become dead links.)

    Twitter Clients, Apps and Tools

    Twitter's decision to have a wide-open API (letting developers access all the same public data available to itself) is critical for their success. It is because of this API that Twitter has become more of a platform than a service. Hundreds (thousands?) of websites, iPhone apps, desktop programs, and other Twitter clients have sprung up to make it easier for you to interact with Twitter.

    Some Twitter apps use the available data for statistics. For example, you can use Twitter Counter to track the number of followers you have over time.

    You don't need to install one of these 3rd-party clients to use Twitter. You can always use the basics of tweeting from the Twitter website or via SMS text messages.

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    Car ad stickers

    There are many conditions and posters at a better-than-usual plastic and paper printing the posters. Posters, plastic has the advantage of more of the colored paper and stickers in the durability and longevity. Depending on the nature of the project or purpose, and this feature can really help you in your goals, and give you some money in the process. If you want to know where the printing of posters used in the plastic habit, and here the four main cases, plastic poster would be very appropriate. Within specific sites, usually is normal indoor poster paper. However, depending on the type of room where he is the poster, there are circumstances where the use of plastic is the best poster. For example, in the restaurants, spa, and indoor swimming pools, and in any other location where excessive moisture can damage regular poster, it is better to use plastic poster. These colors and posters will last even under pressure, water and other liquids while retaining the full color poster quality. Can you provide the money, which would be for printing posters over and over again because of the tears and the damage. It's really ideal for all permanent label that need it. Outdoor advertising, posters, plastic shine when it comes to the outdoors. Because most of the overseas promotional materials are subjected to rain and snow, and smoke and other plastic materials have the advantage of a certain poster for them. While the paper and posters, and even with the end of float can certainly be used in the open air, the color of the label of the plastic and can survive the longest of them. Posters are impervious plastic rain, snow and smoke. It will not easily change color, and it will not deteriorate. If the full color poster on a bus station, in the light of the post, to be posted in the open air or anywhere, would be assured of that can survive a variety of situations and the effects of the weather. Posters in the long run if you plan to design posters which will be presented for a very long time, plastic poster is the best bet as well. Posters in the long run, such as warning posters, awareness posters and others in need of medium that can be time-consuming. Since the stickers are made of plastic, durable and long-term plastic and will last almost a life, and this would be the perfect poster for the long term. These colors will remain bright and the sound of plastic labels for several years. Posters of cars and, finally, if you have been tasked to design a poster and will be the vehicles, then a plastic poster can also be very useful. For example, it could be an awareness campaign to provide some neighborhoods. The basic instrument of your truck or car with the amplifier setup. The plastic label can really help in this area. Can withstand exposure to dust and dirt, and even the effects of such bugs as you go about the streets. Also, since it will enhance your people pass by and read while listening to the "megaphone" of the messages. When it rains or snows, it will not have to worry about your posters as well. Great! As you can see, there are many cases where the color of the plastic label is useful. So go ahead, ask the poster printing company can print posters of plastic. Would be worthy of investment and you will not be disappointed
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    Fax, marketing and related businesses across the country

    Fax marketing is quickly becoming the major form of advertisements in these days. With the fax machines are being widely disseminated throughout the world today, and fax and marketing related companies across the country and around the world. You are not limited to long your ads only in the home in your country, or persons who happen to your dashboard in the past. You can send advertising companies in any location and can send you answers in seconds. Fax taking advertising and marketing in the world by storm, and people start to question. Perhaps you're one of those who need to fax and direct marketing and advertising to provide the Committee is concerned about some things. What if I list the same number several times on my list? Whether the number is busy? How do I know if the ad looks good out of the machine? Fortunately, that those who deal with companies on the fax transmission of many of these problems already. If you have a list of fax numbers you want to broadcast to the marketing company, will. It's that easy. Most of the time, but you can do so by e-mail, but either way, I have a list of advertising and will take care of it. The problem is, the people to make mistakes when writing a long list of numbers, or clients may be listed more than once, and fax it to the list several times. This may cause some problems out as soon as advertising begins, especially when agents swept through a fax machine with multiple ads from you. Fortunately for today's business, marketing, industry, and established a fax, in most cases, the screening process to ensure that there is no number on the list received more than fax, even if you listed it several times. Another question: A lot of people on the fax marketing is what happens if the number is currently busy or simply pay the faxes never experienced. Again, if you have 10000 and 1000 faxes never graduated with you already spend a lot of money for ads that were not even received. Once again the excellent fax marketing companies just before this problem, once again, in most cases. In the beginning, you will not pay for the fax, which passed at all. If you have a misprint on your list, and tried to send a fax line on the ground, you will not pay for it. As far as being on the line busy most of the time the company will have a marketing system will try several times, usually three or four, before they give up on the other. Here, again, if the fax did not go through, and you do not pay the price. Last question we will address here is the question of fax quality. What advertising can look good when brought to him, or that it sees in color, but after that passes through the fax machine does not seem bright. Fax marketing companies generally send a copy of the fax before sending it to the customer list. This becomes effective when the company helped design the marketing of works of art. As you headed on the date of the broadcast will go out. So you can see that there is very little concern in the world of broadcast fax. I would suggest you ensure that your marketing company will cover all of the talk about the concerns here.
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    When considering how the company announced

    When the company is looking for a way to declare themselves and the traditional means of advertising is usually the first that come to mind. These could include radio and television, newspapers and billboards. Yes, these kinds of declarations, but the work is still often times people hail from the same types of media that can be mixed together to start or completely ignored. Here are some ways you can make your advertising campaign, emerging from the crowd. Declaration on the plate or on the seat and can be effective but there are several problems with them. The first is that they are usually not all by themselves. If you're advertising on a bench or there is an opportunity and a very closely by others. I have witnessed in this sector of the highway, which is available on both sides, one after the other. This can make people do not care. The second problem is that they do not act. Being fixed means that the ad campaign for people to walk in their own vision. If you want more people to watch your ads need to buy more plates or seats. Solution to this may turn your car into a mobile. This can be done using a graphic, which is just concluding vinyl graphics that are either wholly or in part, walk around the car. This has the advantage of the ability of the Declaration on the product or service at any time you go. Because people are accustomed to seeing a normal car on the road, which tends to wrap the car parked outside and get noticed more. If you company has a fleet of cars, and then every one can become a marketing tool. The same type of propaganda vinyl charts can be used in other places are also unique. Take, for example, outside the shop to check the lines. Ads can be placed on conveyor belts or hold the floor. Customers waiting in line are usually locked to the public because they are often looking at things to pass the time because it expects to pay. If you decide to use traditional media for your ads you definitely need to be creative because they are very general at their own expense. But you can stretch your advertising dollars by directing people to your site. For example, the ad directed viewers to a Web site that the video ad for that. This would allow the company to use two forms of propaganda for one price. If you have a video on the Internet is a sufficiently creative can get additional benefit of viral video, and will consider all parts of the network sites such as YouTube. Taking into account all the possible ways to get your message across to your potential customers can reveal the forms of advertising that may not have seen before. The key to an effective marketing campaign will provide you and the company emerges from the public in ways that the public remember
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    Build More Business with Your Blog

    Build a business with limited capital? may be highly unlikely, but now the world where this information so quickly crush through the internet does not seem possible before time is now to be possible. Of course, with perseverance and a little capital which is already on us. Namely the computer and internet connection. If that is we have already let us stand together to build a business through a blog.
    Here I will try to help colleagues who are beginners to build a blog that we will be able to make the media business.

    Why is my blog for have made the media because it is easy to blog and have it FREE. to have a blog we just have one account in gmail. if it is done,prepare an article we will post on the blog. Keep always in this blog sharing because next step is to build a blog in detail on the investigation will be here, and the trick tip how to blog so that we have visited many people and visitors.

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    Scientific knowledge of the female model in a "feminine" knowledge-d. Imad Fawzi Shuaibi

    Is there the legitimacy to address the issue of knowledge in terms of gender segregation?. This question is not only legitimate, as it is treated as a topic for research in the context of gender differences in psychology; which exceeds the women's movement (Feminism), which means the affirmation of equality between women and men's rights, using the former's proposal to abolish the differences in the quality of knowledge. It goes beyond, as well as the new women's (Feminist post-modernism), which was marked by criticism of rational solitary male (Pallogocentrism) refused to decentralize the sequel, which came to the tendency of central Europe, also beyond gender (Gender), type of sexual does not mean biological sex differences, but also adds to the overall conditions, experiences and social roles that make men men and women are women.
    On the basis of differentiation emerged philosophical tendency in Europe was invited female philosophy of science is trying to highlight the value of knowledge in the female

    • Introduction to the female side of knowledge:
    Perhaps we can be attributed to the famous psychologist Jung beginnings to the present methodology Aklitin division between male and one male were invited by the spirit of Animus) (and the second female, calling on the spirit of feminine Anima. Which is why researchers later linked to the biological aspect; as the left half of the brain responsible for the logically linked male spirit and the right half of the brain is responsible for the female side. Here it is evident through the following:
    "It is important to us now that we have come to this point to recall the talk in the newly discovered brain physiology: I mean, who guided him Discrimination R.. W.. Sperry, saying that we had already become divided into two people living inside our heads, in the semi-Alkroyen the right and left brain. We have known for a a long time that the left hemispheric brain is dominated by the language, while the right identification (or discrimination). as well as the left half with the logic and reason, while the right Baltdhuq Kalastmtaa art.
    And half the brain associated with each crossing of the fibers, if the crossing is removed, both of them continue to work separately from the other. Thus, if offered an apple to the left half of the brain (which, in fact, right eye) and, if offered an orange on the left half, and asked what I saw of the Tok Vostagib: apple. But if you are asked to write what I have seen your hand left and just in the moment, you write: orange. If asked why written Vork, Vostagib: apple. This means that each half of the brain does not know half of what he is thinking of the other, when cutting the lines of communication.
    However, the results arising from this experience and that have the most significant is that the object that calls the «you» or settle yourself in the left half of your brain. There are «you» again after a few inches, in half right: but silent.
    When a calculation on paper, I used half of the left camp, with a share of the aid offered by the right from time to time, through sudden insights.
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    Economy through the nuclear future

    Some may wonder, why publish the Arab working with the political world and the U.S. economy to Lyndon LaRouche, in this difficult time saturated with tragedy and sweeps, and the risk of civil wars and ethnic cleansing from Iraq to Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan and a return to the imminent danger posed by the plans of the Bush administration, particularly Vice President Dick Cheney bombed Iran's nuclear program and setting a comprehensive regional war, we say some people may wonder why the publication of a special report on the issues of physical place in the laboratory and not the political arena. Answer that by saying that the series of reports published since the first report in August 2006

    Which dealt with the Israeli aggression on Lebanon, and the second report after the cessation of the aggression on the appropriate frameworks for peace and economic development in the region, and this report, which is now in the hands of the reader and is an integral part of a continuum of ideas and analysis that can not be separated from each other, despite what appears to many Arabs, Unfortunately, the lack of correlation between politics and economy, science and philosophy.

    If we look at our situation and the development of world history will find that we as human beings first and Muslims and Arabs II III into honesty and responsibility, we will find that we should not differentiate between any of these subjects and we have to learn and Ntguen science and all these ideas come out of our quandary, even politics. Yes, without biases in thinking, philosophy, physics, music, life sciences, astronomy, etc., will not be able to get out of our present. Yes, there is an unjust world order, and the imperialist policies of a certain reality imposed on the Arabs and Muslims, and this is what we are fighting it with all the strength of the La Roche in the United States and Europe known as the beginning of any Arab. But this should not be an excuse or a bar Ibaadanna our duty as believers from the guidance of our creator and our application of science and land and building Astkhalavha and even out in the elements of the universe, starting with the wide range of solar, which we are only the local population. It may be Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon under the occupation, under the hanging sword of Israel and the United States, France and the internal differences, but what about the rest of the Arab countries do not invest time and human and material resources in scientific and industrial progress.

    The time has come to face the Arabs of their responsibilities towards themselves and towards the next generations of their people and to mankind, as bearing Muslim Renaissance in the Islamic Samarkand to Baghdad, Egypt, to Morocco and Andalusia. Unfortunately we see of Muslims Iltjie to religious extremism and even tribal and sectarian religion and take an excuse to abandon its responsibilities towards the true God and humanity as we have described here, under the pretext of obedience to God. What they want to do is laziness from those duties and the responsibility for their actions or non-doing and failing to religion. Fundamental issue that must be absorbed by every Arab citizen is the same in his country and a good citizen of the world for all nations is the meaning of citizenship, the true historical sense, not only written in the identity card or passport.

    What does it mean to be a citizen?

    First, the meaning of citizenship and, above all, is that individual responsibility towards the nation and its future is now economically and politically and culturally. The same applies to the liability of all mankind. This may give us immortality. That the plundering of our lives for the happiness of others and improve their lives and their understanding of the universe. For an individual to learn and absorb the best of the nation, and the other nations of the thought and science and art, and develops the guide, and again, the most beautiful and better than it was when received, to the subsequent generations. Thus, our lives have meaning and value to all.

    Individual and national sovereignty

    To take individual responsibility to history is the true meaning of being a citizen of a sovereign, a sovereign citizen of the world. But what does it mean to be his own master? My view, sovereignty means the ability to generate with us to become innovative and creative actors in the process of creation and to contribute to major in the evolution of this universe. In Christian thought, shows that the idea of "the human being in the example of the Creator" (Genesis 1:26 to 1:28 of the creation of rights and succession in the earth) in Islam is that a rights "within the spirit of the Creator" (read Surat Al-Haggar and verse 28 of Surat Al-Baqarah verse 71 and verse 30 of the biography on the creation of Adam and Astkhalavh) to name but a few. This means that investing these human creativity as well as the unconditional love of the Creator of all human beings and to develop knowledge of the universe and the nature of rights and Ihnohma.

    The struggle for freedom

    This also means that the individual have the freedom to develop the mental capacity of that creativity. We have witnessed the history of the long and bitter struggle long and often bloody, for or against that sovereignty. On the one hand is Slavery and ideas: the idea of community-driven imperialism small elite controls the destinies and lives of a large number of slaves or the herds of human beings, which must always be kept away from the light of science, freedom and development. That is what we call in the La Roche "Aloolijarki community."

    On the other hand, we always have the idea of humanitarian Commissioner Republic of the community members are free or are seeking some freedom within the above-mentioned and not the absurd. Gives us a dramatic picture of the history of Greece and the art of that conflict, and on any battlefield is the historic conflict. It also gives us a clear picture of the peoples, HH Anahtatha to the nadir of the war, ignorance and disease. In the play "Prometheus Mglola" of the Greek theater Osjelos (525-456 BC) we see the uprising against the Greek model of imperialism and slavery. Where the verdict on the Prometheus Altetan (particularly the descendants of the gods) by the tyrant Zeus the god of eternal punishment Mglola to the barren rock at the top of Mount Caucasus, where the eagle eating his liver every day offensive, Viltim at night, so that the eagle the next day and eat again. Prometheus and the fact that Khalid did not die, Zeus decided to be a perpetual torment. But what was a "crime" of Prometheus even worth it all this suffering? "Crime" was that it gave the people Alvannin (Zeus, who were sentenced to live in poverty and ignorance) is not only learned the gift of fire, including blacksmithing and crafts and many of the brick building houses for the benefit of living and to live out Khacrat in the caves, but also their knowledge of travel in parts of the Earth guided by the stars and astronomy familiarity with and knowledge of the number of languages, poetry and art, medicine and many of the knowledge. Prometheus had wanted them to break free from the life of slaves under the authority of a tyrant god. This is an example of the tyrant Zeus Aloolijarki model.

    That freedom of the human person, in order to develop the creative abilities to the fullest extent, is the cornerstone of human civilization through the ages. Human history man has a lot of tragedies caused by the thought Aloolijarki, which was the basis of ancient and modern empires, delaying much of human progress, but times recover from ancient Egypt to Greece and the Islamic Renaissance and to the European Renaissance out humanity from darkness to light, despite all odds. Today, the remaining question is the same, not changed, except in certain manifestations of Foreign Affairs.

    Where is the sovereignty of nations?

    But just as the spirit inhabiting the body needs sufficient for the individual rights protected and nurtured, and protects and nurtures freedom for development and creativity. This became possible, in modern European history, for example, through the growth of the modern form of national statehood. I was born the modern nation-state in Europe through a bitter struggle for peace and justice after hundreds of years of dark ages and the Crusades, which led and managed an empire of Venice and the economic collapse and the spread of epidemics and the European internal religious wars until the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. This was despite all the resistance against the idea of freedom by the European feudal Aloolijarkip. The American Revolution in 1776 against the British Empire and the founding of the United States, the culmination of that conflict. But, unfortunately, is that of the United States, which was a beacon of hope and a bastion of freedom, has fallen in recent decades towards the imperial Aloolijarki thought, but Aaba to rid the United States that the nightmare is still going and the chances of success much more than imagine the majority of the Arabs.

    It seems that many attempts to "international" to create a balance in the world on behalf of the UN, usually under the flag of the United Nations and their organizations, are malicious attempts to remove national sovereignty of the peoples of the world previously or newly liberated from colonialism and put back under the authority that serves the interests of the elite class of global financial Aloolijarkip and economic world. Many of the programs of "sustainable development" by the United Nations and the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund is trying to keep the peoples of the world under a specified level of technological development and scientific and industrial. If you tried a nation of nations, especially of the developing world out of control and that take charge of science and knowledge and industrial progress, I met them Aloolijarkip dogs to stop this progress and independence, under many names, sometimes in public, such as the military style of the current Bush administration, diplomacy or implicit, such as malignant British government under Tony Blair, for example, green or environmental movement and financed privately and publicly supported by Aloolijarkip. But the aim is one.

    Example of the Iranian nuclear program

    Say what you want for the Iranian regime and its nature, the issue remains Iran's legitimate right to nuclear technology and knowledge, and use in the development of the Iranian nation. Hopes in the case of Iran today in the light of the drama Albroomethyp we have mentioned previously. Above all, this issue has been manipulated by the organizations Ongeloomrikip on the Blair government and the Bush administration and Cheney to be transferred to the political and military crisis in the world. If there is no good practical reason to create a crisis over Iran's nuclear program, only the desire of the global financial Aloolijarkip Alongeloomrikip (Israeli custody and a dog) in the continuation of the war against the religious standing of the new target "Islam," after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The means of investigation and control of the Iranian nuclear program to make sure Iran's intentions to acquire "nuclear weapons" were open and available. But this is not the cause of "crisis."

    But the issue of the Iranian nuclear program, on the other, to eliminate many of the provisions of Western prejudices against the Muslims and the developing nations, as well as a lot of false assumptions and hypocrisy rampant in the West, especially in forty years. As the reader will find our articles in the American report, it has been waging a relentless war against the progress of scientific, cultural and industrial Europe and the United States itself, by the same forces that want to destroy the Aloolijarkip Iran and the South-West Asia in general. We have been waging war in the west of the cultural brainwashing the people of the United States, Europe and the movement against the industrial and scientific progress, and thus prevent the spread of progress and development in the rest of the world, in order to maintain the subordination of indigenous peoples of the economic interests in the West. We have some of the Governments of Western countries such as Germany, Italy, Sweden and the United States to some degree either to freeze or halt its nuclear programs because of the future inspired by the hysteria in the seventies and eighties, especially among young people. The importance of the United States and the European scientific and technological aspirations of the great scientific progress in the developing world. We must therefore encourage the continued progress in the West, in fact. Developing countries because the sector has not been completed, including their capacity to accomplish their scientific and industrial individually. Therefore, the cooperation, not dependence, will be the prospects for coexistence and peace between the peoples of East and West, North and South. All this requires the creation of an equitable global economic system and the new cooperation between the peoples of the States of a national independent sovereignty.

    The argument that "Iran does not need nuclear energy because it has the oil and gas," is not only a stupid argument from the scientific and economic, but it carries with it the effects of European racism against Arabs and Muslims and all those who were more of a darker skin. The picture is typical of the Arab or Muslim media created by the malicious, adhesive Ballauai when many of the Europeans and the Americans, unfortunately. It will not change like parrots repeating the Arabs of those statements to change that picture. Iran is a great nation with a history in the foot too much and provided through the pre-Islamic history and Islamic world to the progress of civilization. The population of eighty million soon, and most of them young people, with enormous energy, water and industrial technology, agricultural and medical. It is the legitimate right of the people of Iran to the corner of that knowledge has discovered and developed by the leave and license rights of the creator of the universe, and not one of the people that monopolize or her on one.

    It is of interest for the Arab States and the West to encourage Iran and other countries that are in the approach to scientific and industrial progress. We were pleased to be the answer to our call (in our previous report) to go towards the Arab states of nuclear technology and energy technology for the future, the GCC and Yemen, of its intention to begin serious nuclear programs. We hope that this is not just propaganda for domestic consumption under the political circumstances in the region now.

    We were also happy to contract the African regional symposium on nuclear energy as part of the process of sustainable development of the continent in the Algerian capital in the eighth of January this year. We consider more of these initiatives and outstanding courage, and all scientists, researchers, professionals and politicians, regardless of their attitude towards the rulers and governments to support these trends, the latter because it is in the interest of the people and not systems.

    We make an appeal through this report is true to all researchers, students and Arab politicians, to take the matter seriously and to cooperate and discuss with us in the LaRouche movement, were it the case of the meanings are not only economic, but intellectual, cultural, political and moral as well. The rule of the individual and the sovereignty of nations will be at stake in the future, should not the Arabs but to be proactive in this regard.

    Hussein's military
    January 4, 2007


    Such as the Canadian landing on the moon

    By Lyndon LaRouche
    Lyndon H. LaRouche
    September 27, 2006

    (Submission of an article by Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum isotopes of the Economy)

    The dissemination of research, Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum in this issue of the magazine Iczktv Intelligence Review, which aims to assist the Government of the continent Alorasewep and others in the preparation of the discussion will be held soon in an international conference held in both Washington and Berlin (* 1) simultaneously in October 31. May not be the majority of politicians and officials who will attend the conference of specialists in these areas of nuclear physics, but the policy recommendations put forward by Dr. Tennenbaum is the kind of recommendations that should be put on the global agenda to be adopted and implemented immediately.

    In the light of the fact that global financial institutions and the current cash trap submerged in the process of collapse and accelerated the dissolution, there is a need to develop appropriate alternatives now in the center of the debate. The objective of the proposed building in the foreseeable future as a guide for policy. We can define this as the essential nucleus of the scientific organization of a viable alternative and long-term what we are witnessing the collapse of the current global system.

    The issue at hand here, as repeatedly stressed by events in the formal and informal, is that the rapid rate of human consumption of mineral resources and other primary resources in the area of the Biosphere (MAB) will require us to go towards new dimensions of the procedures for the use of reserves and re-fill, such as safe drinking water and other resources on our planet. Efforts to codify what it thought to reserve a fixed amount of resources the so-called "natural" are false, and even more so now is a dangerous doctrine. Instead of considering the relationship of the resources on our planet as a limited quantity, we have to hold us responsible for the creation of human resources, which will be more than sufficient to meet the needs of a growing number of the world's population and improved levels of production and per capita material consumption.

    As shown by Dr. Tennenbaum issue, it could be argued that the types of techniques that would be sufficient to meet the requirements mentioned for the foreseeable future of the human race techniques are known in advance. The issue is that the option to enter the scientific practices that must be changed qualitatively. These are techniques that must be guided by the practices for the replacement of which has been bankrupt for decades, people in recent years.

    The purpose of the publication of a study by Dr. Tennenbaum in this issue of the magazine is to provide good advice in time for the nations will be represented at the eminent Berlin - Washington, organized by a committee to ROCHE for political action.
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