Friday, January 22, 2010

Here's how Google Adsense works, easy really!

Once we register as a Google Adsense publisher and thank God approved, we will get Adsense Account and ID-Publisher. With the entry into the Adsense account then we can "manage" some of them manage adsense ads look like what will we place on our website, view and analyze the performance or our Adsense revenue, etc..

To display Adsense on the website, we stay put or code called "script adsense" obtained while setting us on the Adsense account to get the desired look of the ad. Adsense script is one which contains ID-Publisher as its affiliate and Google Adsense as well as an employee or salesman of a company, every person has a Publisher ID, different and unique.

Once we enter the Adsense script into our website, then ... would appear that Google Adsense ads will relate, relevant and appropriate to the content of our website. If our website related to cars or automotive news, the ads displayed are usually associated with cars and automotive, for example, car buying and selling advertising or selling advertising car accessories.

We do not need to tired to filter and determine what ads are appropriate and in accordance with the content of the website. Or we also do not need to tired to tell Google what ads should be displayed. why can? Because the Adsense script code that you enter will be read and find out about what the content of our site, then automatically adjusts and advertise what is suitable and appropriate for our website.

For example, can be seen on one site including Best Cars Guide Indonesia, shows that all ads "Ads by Google" that appear related to the theme of the website, adsense script code and the one who did it without being asked.

With the appropriate ads to the content and theme of the website, all parties will benefit. Visitors who come to the site would probably be interested to click on ads "Ads by Google" is because it felt that the ad is indeed associated with the information they were looking for. More and more visitors are attracted to click on those ads, the more commission earned by the owner of the website as a publisher. Meanwhile, for advertisers whose ads displayed by google diwebsite we will be pleased and hope that people click on their ads are people who are looking for information about the products they sell, and of course it means the prospects for advertisers, so that will be buying their products.

It makes all happy right? Everybody happy! Hmmm ... ya Oom great Google? Keep reading the articles on Internet Marketing Learning site, and find the right way to get commissions from Adsense.
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