Some may wonder, why publish the Arab working with the political world and the U.S. economy to Lyndon LaRouche, in this difficult time saturated with tragedy and sweeps, and the risk of civil wars and ethnic cleansing from Iraq to Palestine, Lebanon, Somalia and Sudan and a return to the imminent danger posed by the plans of the Bush administration, particularly Vice President Dick Cheney bombed Iran's nuclear program and setting a comprehensive regional war, we say some people may wonder why the publication of a special report on the issues of physical place in the laboratory and not the political arena. Answer that by saying that the series of reports published since the first report in August 2006
Which dealt with the Israeli aggression on Lebanon, and the second report after the cessation of the aggression on the appropriate frameworks for peace and economic development in the region, and this report, which is now in the hands of the reader and is an integral part of a continuum of ideas and analysis that can not be separated from each other, despite what appears to many Arabs, Unfortunately, the lack of correlation between politics and economy, science and philosophy.
If we look at our situation and the development of world history will find that we as human beings first and Muslims and Arabs II III into honesty and responsibility, we will find that we should not differentiate between any of these subjects and we have to learn and Ntguen science and all these ideas come out of our quandary, even politics. Yes, without biases in thinking, philosophy, physics, music, life sciences, astronomy, etc., will not be able to get out of our present. Yes, there is an unjust world order, and the imperialist policies of a certain reality imposed on the Arabs and Muslims, and this is what we are fighting it with all the strength of the La Roche in the United States and Europe known as the beginning of any Arab. But this should not be an excuse or a bar Ibaadanna our duty as believers from the guidance of our creator and our application of science and land and building Astkhalavha and even out in the elements of the universe, starting with the wide range of solar, which we are only the local population. It may be Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon under the occupation, under the hanging sword of Israel and the United States, France and the internal differences, but what about the rest of the Arab countries do not invest time and human and material resources in scientific and industrial progress.
The time has come to face the Arabs of their responsibilities towards themselves and towards the next generations of their people and to mankind, as bearing Muslim Renaissance in the Islamic Samarkand to Baghdad, Egypt, to Morocco and Andalusia. Unfortunately we see of Muslims Iltjie to religious extremism and even tribal and sectarian religion and take an excuse to abandon its responsibilities towards the true God and humanity as we have described here, under the pretext of obedience to God. What they want to do is laziness from those duties and the responsibility for their actions or non-doing and failing to religion. Fundamental issue that must be absorbed by every Arab citizen is the same in his country and a good citizen of the world for all nations is the meaning of citizenship, the true historical sense, not only written in the identity card or passport.
What does it mean to be a citizen?
First, the meaning of citizenship and, above all, is that individual responsibility towards the nation and its future is now economically and politically and culturally. The same applies to the liability of all mankind. This may give us immortality. That the plundering of our lives for the happiness of others and improve their lives and their understanding of the universe. For an individual to learn and absorb the best of the nation, and the other nations of the thought and science and art, and develops the guide, and again, the most beautiful and better than it was when received, to the subsequent generations. Thus, our lives have meaning and value to all.
Individual and national sovereignty
To take individual responsibility to history is the true meaning of being a citizen of a sovereign, a sovereign citizen of the world. But what does it mean to be his own master? My view, sovereignty means the ability to generate with us to become innovative and creative actors in the process of creation and to contribute to major in the evolution of this universe. In Christian thought, shows that the idea of "the human being in the example of the Creator" (Genesis 1:26 to 1:28 of the creation of rights and succession in the earth) in Islam is that a rights "within the spirit of the Creator" (read Surat Al-Haggar and verse 28 of Surat Al-Baqarah verse 71 and verse 30 of the biography on the creation of Adam and Astkhalavh) to name but a few. This means that investing these human creativity as well as the unconditional love of the Creator of all human beings and to develop knowledge of the universe and the nature of rights and Ihnohma.
The struggle for freedom
This also means that the individual have the freedom to develop the mental capacity of that creativity. We have witnessed the history of the long and bitter struggle long and often bloody, for or against that sovereignty. On the one hand is Slavery and ideas: the idea of community-driven imperialism small elite controls the destinies and lives of a large number of slaves or the herds of human beings, which must always be kept away from the light of science, freedom and development. That is what we call in the La Roche "Aloolijarki community."
On the other hand, we always have the idea of humanitarian Commissioner Republic of the community members are free or are seeking some freedom within the above-mentioned and not the absurd. Gives us a dramatic picture of the history of Greece and the art of that conflict, and on any battlefield is the historic conflict. It also gives us a clear picture of the peoples, HH Anahtatha to the nadir of the war, ignorance and disease. In the play "Prometheus Mglola" of the Greek theater Osjelos (525-456 BC) we see the uprising against the Greek model of imperialism and slavery. Where the verdict on the Prometheus Altetan (particularly the descendants of the gods) by the tyrant Zeus the god of eternal punishment Mglola to the barren rock at the top of Mount Caucasus, where the eagle eating his liver every day offensive, Viltim at night, so that the eagle the next day and eat again. Prometheus and the fact that Khalid did not die, Zeus decided to be a perpetual torment. But what was a "crime" of Prometheus even worth it all this suffering? "Crime" was that it gave the people Alvannin (Zeus, who were sentenced to live in poverty and ignorance) is not only learned the gift of fire, including blacksmithing and crafts and many of the brick building houses for the benefit of living and to live out Khacrat in the caves, but also their knowledge of travel in parts of the Earth guided by the stars and astronomy familiarity with and knowledge of the number of languages, poetry and art, medicine and many of the knowledge. Prometheus had wanted them to break free from the life of slaves under the authority of a tyrant god. This is an example of the tyrant Zeus Aloolijarki model.
That freedom of the human person, in order to develop the creative abilities to the fullest extent, is the cornerstone of human civilization through the ages. Human history man has a lot of tragedies caused by the thought Aloolijarki, which was the basis of ancient and modern empires, delaying much of human progress, but times recover from ancient Egypt to Greece and the Islamic Renaissance and to the European Renaissance out humanity from darkness to light, despite all odds. Today, the remaining question is the same, not changed, except in certain manifestations of Foreign Affairs.
Where is the sovereignty of nations?
But just as the spirit inhabiting the body needs sufficient for the individual rights protected and nurtured, and protects and nurtures freedom for development and creativity. This became possible, in modern European history, for example, through the growth of the modern form of national statehood. I was born the modern nation-state in Europe through a bitter struggle for peace and justice after hundreds of years of dark ages and the Crusades, which led and managed an empire of Venice and the economic collapse and the spread of epidemics and the European internal religious wars until the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. This was despite all the resistance against the idea of freedom by the European feudal Aloolijarkip. The American Revolution in 1776 against the British Empire and the founding of the United States, the culmination of that conflict. But, unfortunately, is that of the United States, which was a beacon of hope and a bastion of freedom, has fallen in recent decades towards the imperial Aloolijarki thought, but Aaba to rid the United States that the nightmare is still going and the chances of success much more than imagine the majority of the Arabs.
It seems that many attempts to "international" to create a balance in the world on behalf of the UN, usually under the flag of the United Nations and their organizations, are malicious attempts to remove national sovereignty of the peoples of the world previously or newly liberated from colonialism and put back under the authority that serves the interests of the elite class of global financial Aloolijarkip and economic world. Many of the programs of "sustainable development" by the United Nations and the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund is trying to keep the peoples of the world under a specified level of technological development and scientific and industrial. If you tried a nation of nations, especially of the developing world out of control and that take charge of science and knowledge and industrial progress, I met them Aloolijarkip dogs to stop this progress and independence, under many names, sometimes in public, such as the military style of the current Bush administration, diplomacy or implicit, such as malignant British government under Tony Blair, for example, green or environmental movement and financed privately and publicly supported by Aloolijarkip. But the aim is one.
Example of the Iranian nuclear program
Say what you want for the Iranian regime and its nature, the issue remains Iran's legitimate right to nuclear technology and knowledge, and use in the development of the Iranian nation. Hopes in the case of Iran today in the light of the drama Albroomethyp we have mentioned previously. Above all, this issue has been manipulated by the organizations Ongeloomrikip on the Blair government and the Bush administration and Cheney to be transferred to the political and military crisis in the world. If there is no good practical reason to create a crisis over Iran's nuclear program, only the desire of the global financial Aloolijarkip Alongeloomrikip (Israeli custody and a dog) in the continuation of the war against the religious standing of the new target "Islam," after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The means of investigation and control of the Iranian nuclear program to make sure Iran's intentions to acquire "nuclear weapons" were open and available. But this is not the cause of "crisis."
But the issue of the Iranian nuclear program, on the other, to eliminate many of the provisions of Western prejudices against the Muslims and the developing nations, as well as a lot of false assumptions and hypocrisy rampant in the West, especially in forty years. As the reader will find our articles in the American report, it has been waging a relentless war against the progress of scientific, cultural and industrial Europe and the United States itself, by the same forces that want to destroy the Aloolijarkip Iran and the South-West Asia in general. We have been waging war in the west of the cultural brainwashing the people of the United States, Europe and the movement against the industrial and scientific progress, and thus prevent the spread of progress and development in the rest of the world, in order to maintain the subordination of indigenous peoples of the economic interests in the West. We have some of the Governments of Western countries such as Germany, Italy, Sweden and the United States to some degree either to freeze or halt its nuclear programs because of the future inspired by the hysteria in the seventies and eighties, especially among young people. The importance of the United States and the European scientific and technological aspirations of the great scientific progress in the developing world. We must therefore encourage the continued progress in the West, in fact. Developing countries because the sector has not been completed, including their capacity to accomplish their scientific and industrial individually. Therefore, the cooperation, not dependence, will be the prospects for coexistence and peace between the peoples of East and West, North and South. All this requires the creation of an equitable global economic system and the new cooperation between the peoples of the States of a national independent sovereignty.
The argument that "Iran does not need nuclear energy because it has the oil and gas," is not only a stupid argument from the scientific and economic, but it carries with it the effects of European racism against Arabs and Muslims and all those who were more of a darker skin. The picture is typical of the Arab or Muslim media created by the malicious, adhesive Ballauai when many of the Europeans and the Americans, unfortunately. It will not change like parrots repeating the Arabs of those statements to change that picture. Iran is a great nation with a history in the foot too much and provided through the pre-Islamic history and Islamic world to the progress of civilization. The population of eighty million soon, and most of them young people, with enormous energy, water and industrial technology, agricultural and medical. It is the legitimate right of the people of Iran to the corner of that knowledge has discovered and developed by the leave and license rights of the creator of the universe, and not one of the people that monopolize or her on one.
It is of interest for the Arab States and the West to encourage Iran and other countries that are in the approach to scientific and industrial progress. We were pleased to be the answer to our call (in our previous report) to go towards the Arab states of nuclear technology and energy technology for the future, the GCC and Yemen, of its intention to begin serious nuclear programs. We hope that this is not just propaganda for domestic consumption under the political circumstances in the region now.
We were also happy to contract the African regional symposium on nuclear energy as part of the process of sustainable development of the continent in the Algerian capital in the eighth of January this year. We consider more of these initiatives and outstanding courage, and all scientists, researchers, professionals and politicians, regardless of their attitude towards the rulers and governments to support these trends, the latter because it is in the interest of the people and not systems.
We make an appeal through this report is true to all researchers, students and Arab politicians, to take the matter seriously and to cooperate and discuss with us in the LaRouche movement, were it the case of the meanings are not only economic, but intellectual, cultural, political and moral as well. The rule of the individual and the sovereignty of nations will be at stake in the future, should not the Arabs but to be proactive in this regard.
Hussein's military
January 4, 2007
Such as the Canadian landing on the moon
By Lyndon LaRouche
Lyndon H. LaRouche
September 27, 2006
(Submission of an article by Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum isotopes of the Economy)
The dissemination of research, Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum in this issue of the magazine Iczktv Intelligence Review, which aims to assist the Government of the continent Alorasewep and others in the preparation of the discussion will be held soon in an international conference held in both Washington and Berlin (* 1) simultaneously in October 31. May not be the majority of politicians and officials who will attend the conference of specialists in these areas of nuclear physics, but the policy recommendations put forward by Dr. Tennenbaum is the kind of recommendations that should be put on the global agenda to be adopted and implemented immediately.
In the light of the fact that global financial institutions and the current cash trap submerged in the process of collapse and accelerated the dissolution, there is a need to develop appropriate alternatives now in the center of the debate. The objective of the proposed building in the foreseeable future as a guide for policy. We can define this as the essential nucleus of the scientific organization of a viable alternative and long-term what we are witnessing the collapse of the current global system.
The issue at hand here, as repeatedly stressed by events in the formal and informal, is that the rapid rate of human consumption of mineral resources and other primary resources in the area of the Biosphere (MAB) will require us to go towards new dimensions of the procedures for the use of reserves and re-fill, such as safe drinking water and other resources on our planet. Efforts to codify what it thought to reserve a fixed amount of resources the so-called "natural" are false, and even more so now is a dangerous doctrine. Instead of considering the relationship of the resources on our planet as a limited quantity, we have to hold us responsible for the creation of human resources, which will be more than sufficient to meet the needs of a growing number of the world's population and improved levels of production and per capita material consumption.
As shown by Dr. Tennenbaum issue, it could be argued that the types of techniques that would be sufficient to meet the requirements mentioned for the foreseeable future of the human race techniques are known in advance. The issue is that the option to enter the scientific practices that must be changed qualitatively. These are techniques that must be guided by the practices for the replacement of which has been bankrupt for decades, people in recent years.
The purpose of the publication of a study by Dr. Tennenbaum in this issue of the magazine is to provide good advice in time for the nations will be represented at the eminent Berlin - Washington, organized by a committee to ROCHE for political action.